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For Every Bag of Specially Marked Food Lion Oranges Purchased through March 22, Food Lion Feeds Will Help Local Food Banks

Food Lion customers can once again help fight hunger in their community while shopping at Food Lion, in-store or online through Food Lion To Go. For every bag of specially marked Food Lion oranges purchased from March 2 – 22, 2022, Food Lion Feeds will help provide five meals* to local Feeding America member food banks.

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Additionally, customers can make a cash donation of any amount at the register to support Feeding America and local food banks. In 2021, the Food Lion Feeds Orange Bag campaign provided 1 million meals to neighbors in need across Food Lion’s 10-state footprint.

The total amount donated to each local food bank will be based on the number of eligible bagged oranges sold in each food bank’s service area, along with customer donations at the register.

“For the fourth year in a row, Food Lion Feeds is partnering with customers to support our neighbors in need through the annual Orange Bag campaign,” said Kevin Durkee, Manager, Food Lion Feeds, Food Lion. “Every orange bag purchase helps support local food banks and nourishes customers in the towns and cities Food Lion serves.”

Since 2014, Food Lion Feeds has provided more than 900 million meals to neighbors in need. The company has committed to providing 1.5 billion meals to individuals and families in need by the end of 2025. Part of this commitment includes hosting retail campaigns, like the Orange Bag, as well as providing meals through the 20-year-old Food Lion Food Rescue program where near-date fresh produce and pantry staples are donated to a network of local feeding agencies.

“Hunger is an issue in every county of our country. Feeding America is thankful to Food Lion and its customers for continuing to support communities facing hunger through the Food Lion Feeds’ Orange Bag initiative,” said Lauren Biedron, Vice President of Corporate Partnerships, Feeding America. “Over the years, the campaign has helped to provide millions of meals to families in need in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions.”

For more information on Food Lion Feeds, visit

*$1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America® on behalf of local member food banks. Through the Orange Bag campaign, $0.50 (monetary equivalent of 5 meals) from each bag purchased will be donated to Feeding America and member food banks. Food Lion guarantees a minimum donation of $100,000 (monetary equivalent of 1 million meals.) from March 2 – 22, 2022. For more information, visit

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